====== 2015.03.16 - Emotional release therapy-amanae session ((intense healing)) (pat-jackman) ====== {{tag>pat-jackman}} {{youtube>dS3NGA5mA3k?full}} ===== Resumen ===== * **Publicación:** 16/03/2015 * **Título:** Emotional release therapy-amanae session ((intense healing)) * **Autor:** [[:seres-interesantes:divulgadores-actuales:pat-jackman:start|pat jackman]] * **Original:** [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dS3NGA5mA3k&ab_channel=AngelStarCreations]] ===== Transcripción ===== (158) Emotional Release Therapy-Amanae Session ( (INTENSE HEALING)) - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dS3NGA5mA3k Transcript: (00:05) this is Angelica Hi and um I'm going to do a session I'm going to do emotional release therapy using the amonate technique with her today and if you have any questions just tell me if you have any questions okay well I did have a question about if this therapy is supposed to actually hurt and um because what happens when I've done it in the past is that there's pain in my body and when you press into certain points um there's a reaction um and I was wondering if that is resistance or what what is that (00:46) and why do I experience that what is the pain yes okay the pain is your body is your body your house that you live in we're going to open up doorways okay if you've been holding on to stuff since you you were little for a long time and you had to hold on to emotions for really tightly cuz they really weren't okay in your family and the doorway is closed this this tight you've had to close really really and hold on tight when you go into the doorway and you're holding that tight any door it's going (01:19) to hurt to open it when it's open then you can come in and let go of what's ever in there you're not supposed to have any pain in your body pain is that you held and held and held and why do you want to let go of those feelings cuz that's not who you are you are not your fear you are not your anger you are not your pain you are not your sadness you are something else underneath and all of that other stuff just gets in the way and starts running the show and that's the whole goal of this work it's not to make somebody cry it's (01:53) not to make somebody hurt it's to let the energy from the holding patterns move so you can come into what's real who you really are the spirit Angelica's going to do a session we'll show you a session I'm Pat and this is Angelica hi okay Angelica's going to have a session so we can show you what it's like the first place that I'm going to open is her heart point because actually all emotions come out through the heart and this is the back doorway of the heart there's many many many points on this (02:24) body to open but what we're going to open up first and I'm coming right into this that this is what it feels like to hold the sadness yeah let her be here she's allowed to be here and she's welcome here and what I'm doing is just holding this doorway for her to come to and to stay with so she can really finish this yes letting this sad part of her be here all the way and it's just stuff that she couldn't finish that's all it's time to finish it gets in the way who you really (03:29) are staying with her and looking at her with all of her sadness and feeling like this feeling like this to have to hold it yes and hold it that's it keep coming to her and hold it and hold it in your life and why did somebody hold this she's probably been holding this since she was a little girl why did she hold it cuz somewhere along the line she got a message that sadness to express like this was not okay so what is she doing right right now she's reparenting herself yes she's reparenting herself (04:11) yes that's it that's it all the way to her letting her be here all the way that's her here she is yes yes here she is there she is yeah so Angelica's really staying in her body and the body knows what to do with all (05:17) of this our minds don't our minds don't our minds want to say oh I can't do this it's too much it's too much but the body knows so she was able to bring her mind into her body yes I'm going to come down here cuz she's got some stuff right here right here it feels like this to hold [Laughter] it [Laughter] yeah that's it let her be here all the way Angelica all the way this is what it feels like to carry this yeah I'm going to open up this cuz Angelica told me earlier that she had a (06:21) lot of pain around this so the more that she can bring her mind which is the computer that holds it together and her breath into this it opens on its own and stuff can move what is that area this is called the power line this can hold helplessness sexuality issues mother issues think of everything that's down here yeah yes mothering mother sexuality powerlessness helplessness hopelessness all this whole area here yeah keep coming into it and these are just parts that didn't couldn't Express so I'm going to open these up (07:16) big breath right here see if you can lift my thumbs right here that's it through your mouth into this that's it right into this it actually doesn't feel so B that's it keep coming in that's it [Laughter] by the way there's no faster work than this I don't know that there's any work that get you in so fast she's really good at getting (08:22) it so this is what feels to hold it to hold it to hold in this that's it come right in here that's it all this all this all this and all this that's it that's it all the way to it you can kind of feel things like when the door doesn't want to open or when it does open you can feel it right in [Laughter] here and all she's doing is finishing what she didn't get to finish that's what she's doing she's just finishing this had to get held in her body it gets held and you can feel this (09:24) when it gets H I'm going to open these doors all the way up there somewhat of a little wall here where she probably needs some protection I can feel like where it won't let my thumbs in here she is that's it yes and we're just opening all these rooms up all these rooms up that's it keep coming in she's doing so great yes this little protective barer here really feeling it Angel yes this protective right here [Laughter] some people might think I remember I did my first workshop and people were crying (10:18) and screaming yelling I thought this is an looney bin crazy what is a looney bin is how fake and phony we were out there this is what's real this is what we're faking this is what's underneath and we're all acting like we're okay and we need to let this stuff go if we're going to wake up on this planet that's it fear is just fear every story of your life already happened so far what's not what didn't get finished about all the things that happened to us what why she (11:03) might have had to hold this fear is over all that's left is the fear in her body or the anger in her body that just needs to be expressed part of you you might be able to see her down in here the part that scared can you see her yes how old is she she's um like four or five who was there for you when you were scared nobody yeah so how could you possibly know how to come yourself so what does a child need to do they stuff Their Fear because there isn't anybody there and if you look at her so I'm going to slow it (11:37) down just a bit when you look at her and you look in her eyes yes and you stay with her and you face her and you ask her cuz she can give you the answer what does she need what does she need love and protection and to feel safe yes she needs love and protection and she needs to feel safe she didn't get that with my hand open here right now take a breath and just feel the hand feeling what it feels like hot cold clammy what does the hand feel like warm and soft and gentle and kind and um soft just really stay with that hand (12:39) anything it feels loving yeah feel feels nice that's you that's you that's because I'm just bringing you to you the part of you that is warm and kind and loving and she is there for this other part that's scared okay she's there for her so we're actually bringing all these parts together and let her feel it it's okay she doesn't have to take it but you know want to come back to her heart and just check this out right now big breath and checking the doorway that's it that's it whatever's left here right now (13:19) that wants to go Angelica why not we might as well do it now even though we're doing a video Let It Go Right Let It Go got nothing to lose right let It Go yes why hold on to this any longer yeah cuz to have to carry it feels like this can you even see it yeah describe it it's opening okay it's like not open all the way but it's like cracking open starting to open yes the doorway to your heart and there's light coming in yes yes the doorway way got closed and we left our hearts and down that hallway (14:02) till we get to our hearts are the emotions that we had to stuff and her doorway is open right now and she can see you said light light coming in yes anyway so any other questions about your or anything you want to say about your session um I just really love this work this is amazing I mean I remember um just from the first session I carry a lot of anger um up here like you said up in the scapula region um and after the first I had a a private session with you and after that session all that went away and it never came back so pain that (14:39) I carried up here in my shoulders for years just went away in one session it can it can right but this lower stuff in my back is taken a little bit because those doorways won't open but I was just so surprised about that and um I'm just going to continue doing the work because every single time I feel better and better and you know and it doesn't happen overnight I'm telling you it's just like any meditation practice any anything it doesn't happen overnight it's it's a it's a it's a it's a pathway (15:10) and you want to follow this path and you know this is one path there's lots of modalities lots of things to follow this one's fast it's intense it's not for everybody you know and what we saw with you on the table you shifted a certain way some people don't even have to have a tear some people don't cry some people it's like everybody is different everybody's little children inside had to express something differently there must be 250 doorways in the body wow and I only worked up (15:40) your back and I did your neck a little bit but all the doorways in the most amount of people worked will hold certain things like in the scapula it's usually an anger area where I work back here it was helpless powerlessness this um uh mother issues sexual uality down in the butt area colon the legs standing in the world and then uh the throat what did we have to swallow down the face the mask that we wear how many people have TMJ how much should they have to hold down how many people have sore throats what did they (16:16) have to swallow down you know we all held these emotions in for one reason on some level we got a message from our parents that it wasn't okay to have these emotions and it might be as simple and I I think I've said that in my other video when you're 3 years old you're having a tantrum and your mother says go to your room until you have a smile on your face what does a three-year-old do all the three-year-old wants is to be loved so the three-year-old goes into their room comes out and says mommy I'm (16:44) well done you know what they do the that becomes a pattern in the body a pattern in the body yes wow okay or something horrible and that's a tiny little example something horrible happens in your life you know what I mean and and a parent dies and this is very often a parent dies when you're young okay you're 10 years old your parent dies and the father says we're over this there's no grieving so who taught you how or the father goes on and marries somebody else quickly you know and you're a little (17:18) 10-year-old child like you just lost your mommy but in two months he just married somebody else and that's the way he's dealing with it you know and so how do you grieve how did you learn how to grieve hold that in your body so you hold the grief in your body cuz you're trying to be good and nobody's showing you how to do it and daddy moved on and said it's over so it's Daddy says it's over he's the only one left it's over you know until you start in a a lot of especially for grief lung issues you (17:45) know a lot of lung issues allergies lung issues will be grief it's sort asthma it it'll be like that your body stuff like that will start to show up in your body as a years goes on because you're holding that grief in for so long might not till you're 40 or 50 or 20 or 30 I don't know when then it becomes something more dangerous like cancer heart disease I always say cancer is the last call cancer is the loudest call that says come down here feel this stuff and let it go any of this pain that we (18:15) have in our body is a great Doorway to say you need to come in here and let it go method to use like say I'm just like feeling so much fear and I feel like it's going to overtake me and it's not even like anything's really happening again it's from the past something that I experienced when I was a little girl and it feels like it's happening now it is what do I do it is happening now because the fear is in your body okay it is happening now but it doesn't apply to what's actually going on the (18:42) circumstances are not matching up with the fear exactly because there's no story to the fear anymore okay there's just the fear that's in your body that was you didn't learn how to comfort so another thing happens in your life and you get older and you get older and you get older and you still have fear but you never really learned how to come Comfort yourself no to stay with it stay with it stay with it and asking myself what do I need and I am still learning because I didn't come from a mother that (19:09) comforted us you know I bang my head when I was little I never learned we as children in my family we didn't we didn't get comforted so we don't know how to comfort ourselves and it really doesn't work if somebody else comforts me it's sort of like that's nice but I need to learn I think we all need that even if were comforted a little bit sometimes I think we always try to when we're going through something if somebody's doing something to us either blame them and make them work it out for (19:37) us and it just never works like we really have to face ourselves and allow these emotions to move through us and then when we don't do that we often times are projecting our stuff onto the other person thinking it's them and it's really not and let me tell you this one last little thing with this you want to know why relationships don't work why because all these little inner kids we take these little what age was one of yours okay five-year-old scared girl yeah you get in a relationship you meet (20:06) a guy okay just making this up okay yeah and you say here here's my little 5-year-old scared girl will you take care of her and he has a 2-year-old angry boy and he says here will you take care of him it can't possibly work that's why there's so much divorce it's like a 5-year-old and a 2-year-old just got together and we have to come into these big selves of healing we have to heal these parts of our we have to heal ourselves we cannot have the other person heal our heal us they are triggers they are the great gift what (20:38) will push every button into your stuff oh yeah you know that's what they are and we can thank them that they can push these buttons so we can heal ourselves Nobody's going to heal us but us right by meeting these parts of ourselves by asking them what they need what is that scared little girl in you need how can you give that to her it's it's work it's the work and when you say need it's it's not something outside of being physically materially it is what does she need emotionally inside wow okay and then so (21:09) when that's coming up that fear and it feels like it's going to overtake take some time to yourself let feel it what does she need what do I need and give that to myself it's a practice it's not going to happen overnight so this is good for people who can't maybe have am right today but they can practice this particular method absolutely stay with your feelings so so the message to these anybody is stop distracting from your feelings stop pushing them away we personally have to heal this and you (21:41) know doing this work nobody can usually get on the table and start going in and finding that we need somebody to witness most of us haven't been witnessed in our process in life and I'm when I'm working with you and you're on the table and you're going in that quickly you have a witness you have a witness here you're being witnessed in your process which and somebody guiding you and encouraging you to come in it's like just to do it alone we don't do it overall you can but you know we don't do it overall we need (22:08) a witness you know and we need somebody to hold a space for us hold the space yeah yeah and that's what we're doing that's what this work is yeah it's so powerful when somebody stands there with you and com Witnesses yes and they're really there with you and you can tell and I'll call them the inner children all of the inner children that are fearful that are that are angry or whatever all that stuff that we couldn't Express got clogged in the hallway of our heart and that's when we (22:37) can come home but all that stuff's removed we come home to what we're all looking for what are we looking for on this planet we're looking for love we're just looking for love love love love all there is is love the rest of it just needs to leave it just got held in and that's that light you know that we can shine in ourselves all the time yes love and light are we're loving life and that's what we need to come home 728 29 30th I have flyer on my website patj one.com um I'll be there she'll be there (23:09) and uh I'm so happy that you're going to be there Y and um if you have any questions about this work please feel free to call me it's on my website and um do you want to say your website one more time so everyone can here Pat Jackman one.com you want to spell that p a t j a c k m a n one the number one. (23:33) com right and I have the videos a couple other videos so you have a school where you teach this technique to people yes so this Workshop this first Workshop that's coming up at the end of March is the first level of it's a workshop plus it's for people just to try the workout to see if they want to be in the school so it's a workshop and some of the people that are already in the workshop are in the school have already committed to the school so it's I want why am I doing this I want this work to go on yes I'm 61 I want to pass this work on I (24:02) think it's profound work and I want it to go on the planet is falling apart this is the way we need to heal these planets it has to it has to happen now we don't have any time left we don't have much time left let's let's get it done mhm okay thank you great cat thank you great //Deja tu comentario o pregunta sobre este video//