2023.07.25 - Native american cultures | sacred wisdom podcast (zachary-denman)

(00:00) foreign body to another episode of the Sacred wisdom podcast I am joined with the amazing Stephen Denman today and we will be discussing American Indian folklore this is a chapter within the mysterious realities book if you wish to go into more detail Within this subject matter you can actually see the links below so for many years the American Indian tribes have been talking and connect there's a lot of connections to these Ultra terrestrials and extraterrestrials and something that's always fascinated

(00:43) me with these how the American Indian culture was completely decimated and I think they had a lot of secret knowledge that we could have obtained and was possibly destroyed for reasons that we are not told about and here is the amazing Stephen to go into more detail on the subjects and welcome Stephen thank you for being here hello Zach and uh it's wonderful to be here again and tell us more about the American Indian tribes first of all let's just start a little bit about American Indians in general because

(01:19) there is an idea that there was civilizations before the American Indians and the American Indians are kind of seen as this primitive culture of tribes that just sat around fires and wigwams and you know fired bows and arrows and stuff like this yeah and yes they did but there was a lot more to them than that and let's go into that deal so talk a little bit first about the culture of the American Indians Steve yeah well I mean again I'll reiterate what you just touched on there is that the the majority of individuals

(01:50) on planet Earth have been given a cultural perception of the American Indian tribes as being those individuals that you know attained the Appaloosa the nakota and the mustang horses or they were in disenrolled in Smoke dances Earth lodges Spirit lodges rain dances and so forth but they were a lot more than that and you have to remember that pretty much all of the Native Americans were very focused and keyed into the astral plan Lane they were very much shall we set astral Guardians and very much aware of how important it was to

(02:24) prevent Pacific types of negative life forms or demons whatever name you want to give them from entering into the 3D holographic reality of of planet Earth especially into the sacred grounds the hallowed grounds that were so precious to the Native Americans are you know in different parts of the United States so they I would say from my perspective when it comes to looking at the different Native American tribes I think they are so etheric they were so focused on and so aware of the connections of the ultra terrestrials and the extraterrestrials

(03:03) to planet Earth they were very focused on places such as the M45 Pleiades star cluster which is in the Taurus constellation they're very focused on the idea of the the great white Brotherhood who were going to return one day the true white race to become the new spiritual teachers or World teachers of humanity they were very focused also on how the hollow Earth interconnected with the Landscapes of the United States of America and Canada and they were very focused also on what we've already touched on which is Supernatural life

(03:40) forms such as ghosts and also things like fairies the little folk you know and elves and gnomes and dwarves and obviously obviously that very well-known subject now which is the white Giants of North America which so many of the American Indian tribes so fiercely Ward again events from many many generations so they're quite unique the Native Americans and so much of their spirituality was deliberately obliterated suppressed censored and deleted by the settlers from Mainland Europe who were shall we say at the top

(04:16) in terms of the various Blue Bloods or aristocracies specifically focused on quelling and suppressing American Indian folklore because so many of the stories that they had gave great indication to the true history of the past of human beings on planet Earth so we've discussed this before but when we talk about the east coast of America being possible remnants of Atlantis and the structures that were used in the world fairs were actually they were possibly from the landmass of Atlantis now America what while these cities

(04:55) existed say three four hundred well let's go back well it was way back before then let's go about 500 years so the American Indians were existing coinciding with these cities or how were they interacting with that world that was existing on the East Coast or and there probably were parts of that tartarian world dotted over Mainland America as well of course but discussed a little bit about that okay so if you look at the American Indians um the various Native American tribes whether they were living in uh you know

(05:26) they were living in wigwams or wiki-ups for example with the American planes Indians of places like you know Utah and Arizona and other um locations in the United States they believe the closer you live to Mother Earth the more naturally that you live you know in the external ecosystems around you without the need for uh bricks and mortar dwellings for example was extremely important for their own Spiritual Development so I would say that was a lifestyle Choice which existed for many millions of American Indian tribes who lived simultaneously

(06:01) alongside the civilization of great dattaria that had many Advanced and beautiful um a very eloquent looking architectural designed buildings across the United States of America that were involved in drawing down to Lyric electrical energy from the atmosphere into electrical capacitors to create bangless free Heating and Lighting in those dwellings but I also believe there were many American Indians that also were trading with the tatarians in the united I just want to clarify that the dutarians were both human so these Aryan type and then

(06:43) also the Giants these the tatarian Giants that also existed it was a coexistential civilization between both life forms here on planet Earth and I think in the in the very ancient past in pre-history there was a number of disasters that led to the cataclysm and the and the ventral collapse of the civilization these tatarian Giants may have had as I've mentioned previously they were known these white Giants to have these vast metallic shining cities up in the Appalachian main since the Rocky Mountains and the Cascade mountain

(07:19) region in the United States so we know that there's been a number of really massive geological and Atmospheric upheavals on planet Earth over many generations and but at one point in ancient history there was quite a harmonious social structure in the United States of America and Canada where the American Indians lived alongside both in you know in TPS um or wigwams and wikiups with the tatarian Aryan so they it was a lifestyle choice that a large number of them had it it wasn't that they were primitive in any way whatsoever

(07:58) now the old American photographs we see with these American Indians in sometimes you know this would be around mid-1800s then kind of that type of Photography when photography was kind of released I'm always very suspicious when I look at these photographs almost like some of these American Indians are not even necessarily Indian and it seems that these photographs would be that they're almost staging something to make this kind of image to us as people of what American Indians were yeah I I totally agree the

(08:36) the photographs that were taken you're mainly of like you know a Native American Chastain and his wife and maybe a son and daughter were completely synthetic photographs they were done in studios by you know funded by Europe European Aristocrats or by the local Municipal Authority that had established uh territory documenting their version of his story there we go we go forward to the time of Hollywood where they're producing all the cable and Indian movies so you see people actors like Charles Bronson and Lee Van Cleef

(09:10) playing the roles of Native Americans well why were they yes you're very engaging right yeah yeah instead of using uh Native Americans okay there were you know there has been many movies made where uh you know uh the actual actors involved are you know racially and ethically uh Native American but it's like they were trying to give us a you know their version of what they wanted us to believe was the history of the United States of America and actually the the true history of America when it comes to the Native Americans is

(09:43) radically different in many ways one example of this that is never talked about by Western science and certainly not talked about by the Smithsonian institution in Washington DC is the montequet Indians now the Montague Indians were from the uh Long Island area which is the New York state in the eastern United States It is believed that when European settlers first arrived in the area of Long Island they saw that the montecat had constructed a number of small pyramids these pyramids also like the pyramids next to the hill

(10:20) of Tara in the Boyne Valley and county meath in eastern island had quartz capstones these were then demolished much like many of the serpent manes were demolished many thousands of serpents actually were demolished by European settlers in the Ohio River Valley area in the United States of America so again suppression deletion the rewriting of History the same as all the staged photographs of these eloquent looking Native Americans made to look like European nobles with their you know feathered headdresses uh you know

(10:55) they're they're put in you know in many actually dressed in European suits as well so it's designed to create a a visual imprint that is is fusing showing emerging European culture with Native Americans This is progression showing us progression this is yeah you know they're going for these wigwams to nice men in suits you know it's sort of see we see the evolution of course this is right and you know this is the best version that could have happened of course but one as well the Native American Star people Legend Steve now

(11:27) out oh yeah these are incredible stories again and let's go into some of that and talk about the pleiady star system because there is a huge connection there yeah I mean you can look at the the Zuni Indians or the Hopi Pueblo Indians you can also look at the Cherokee the Algonquin you can look at the montrequet as I've just mentioned so we what we have is so many of these uh Native American Indian tribes have some kind of spiritual ethnic and I believe racial connection to the Seven Sisters You know

(12:00) the the Pleiades star cluster so one of the stars that they really resonate with is is tegita in the actual M45 star cluster the Pleiades star cluster yeah you know that it's believed there is a number of planets and moons there that resonate beyond space times because the the Nordic palladians or these palladian Aryans which it really represent the great white Brotherhood in ancient history visited the North America continent on hundreds of occasions over literally thousands of years their shining palaces right it was the the

(12:34) talk of bait they would leave their shining palaces and come down and visit the American Indians that's right and they were descending that their silver plates or silver discs from the from the night skies and would converse with these different American Indian tribes and would share spiritual knowledge with them and so we know there's this this quite incredible Interstellar spiritual um perception that the American Indians had they've always been connected to um shall we say the cosmic Heavens they're not Way Beyond just this solar

(13:06) system so we know that they represented very important individual humans on planet Earth not just because the American Indian tribes had a racial and ethnic and cultural memory not just of the Atlantean constant and the islands of Atlantis but also the Lemurian continent in the Pacific Ocean and the great white Brotherhood from the Pleiades star cluster in the Taurus constellation I mean when you take all this and and bring it together and all the vast amounts of American Indian folklore concerning the hollow Earth

(13:39) yeah I'm huge you have this they're just incredible and one of the main issues is because so many of the American Indian languages are so complex their lexicons are so complex their vocabularies are so complex it's been very difficult for many academics to really fully understand a lot of their photos and properly translate them into the English language and of course so many of the American Indian tribes were completely destroyed uh their their original languages that literally have literally been lost in the span of time well you

(14:14) have the Hopi Hopi Pueblo Indians who Describe the word use the word Anu which means ant or pin pincher and then you have the word nanki which means friends so then we come on to what is called which I'm sure everybody's familiar with who's watching this who is the Annunaki we meaning and friends so let's talk a little bit about that Stephen that connection to reticular a and z a reticular B um I'm just very interested in that whole kind of the connection to the stars and what maybe was going on there

(14:46) so talk a little bit about that another connection they had was to the reticulum constellation and so you have a binary system there which is I think Zeta reticulate 1 and Zeta reticuli 2 and there's a number of planets that orbit uh the the this in this binary system and obviously you know when it comes to the idea of alien abduction we know about the Zeta reticulum type A Grays and The Zeta reticulum type B Grays who genetically originated from the reticulum constellation but so they just say on that they've been visiting that

(15:22) part of the world for thousands of years so yes where is there evidence about it without from within the pictures and within the stories of the American Indians right okay a mixture of both the American Indian folklore in terms of their stories their accounts and so on but also there's thousands and thousands of petroglyphs carved on hundreds of rocks all across the North American continent you have the carvings of the Anasazi Indians and they are they are ethnically related to the um Hopi Pueblo Indians and the Zuni Indians in the

(15:54) United States of America and that's just one example it's so vast the the um amount of evidence in terms of petroglyphic carvings that exist especially um amongst the American Plains Indians in places like Utah and Arizona and obviously across parts of New Mexico and and Texas it's quite quite profound I mean you go into parts of the Mojave Desert in Southern California uh some of the petroglyphic carvings they clearly show what appear to be Zeta reticulum type A Grays and zetroticulum type seagrays so we know

(16:29) there was the great white Brotherhood we know there's the connection to the different Grays so in other words what we're looking at is this this Interstellar connection between the American Indians therefore the Native American folklore beyond the solar system Beyond planet Earth to do with various ultra-terrestrials and extraterrestrials in the Milky Way galaxy so the the connection there and people who are in the USA will know about this but obviously Devil's Tower and the mayor Mata tipla the Bears Lodge

(17:03) by the Lakota Indians which um is is again a fascinating area some people describe it being an actual tree trunk which is very interesting but the actual Devil's Tower would seem it was some sort of Landing plate would you say Steve or some sort of takeoff platform it was obviously designed on some sort of Ley line but what you see the devil's Towers well some people say it's the Petrified remains of a tree trunk yeah an enormous tree and apparently all trees on Earth grew to two three thousand feet in White

(17:37) in ancient history what's your view on that I don't believe that for a minute but I think that's a complete Distortion a bit like the Flat Earth here it's about creating diversion and confusion and wasting people's time going into more conspiracy woo-woo to actually just create more escapism and not actually using scientific analysis to look at what's really going on would you want to say which we actually mentioned if anybody wants to purchase in the book you would talk a little bit about

(18:06) Devil's Tower and in the sense of the seven maidens and all this kind of uh connection to the pleiady star system let's just discuss a little bit about that and what is Devil's what is the story of Devil's Tower well let's just this I mean there's there's many accounts the Lakota Sioux Indians have their account of what the Devil's Tower is that from the Pleiades star cluster these hairy humanoids these bear-like giant humanoids or gigantic beings were basically deposited onto planet Earth

(18:40) and a silver disc from the Pleiades from the great white Brotherhood and they you just say they like a Sasquatch right Sasquatch or Bigfoot and so forth but it was their claws that carved into the The Rock what appeared to be these long furrows that make it look like Charice say a tree stump when it isn't really it's just the way the actual geological formation yeah has developed over many millions of years but what we have to remember is also that in the movie directed by Steven Spielberg Close Encounters of the Third Kind the Devil's

(19:13) Tower was used and that's not something that should be ignored because obviously there was a giant covert Spaceport built on the other side of the Devil's Tower the US Army was evacuating all the local residents and the farmers in that area with and they were giving very spurious reasons for doing so so we know that there is obviously some connection there's definitely a huge geomagnetic Ley line that runs directly through and underneath the Devil's Tower we know that it's probably geomagnetic leyline

(19:44) convergences in that area of the United States of America so yeah it's a very special place indeed and obviously we have to remember that when it comes to American Indian folklore or Irish Celtic folklore or european folklore in general that the uh the the way that people in ancient history describe things was how they could associate visually what they were trying to process in their minds with things that were tangible to their own existencies at those points in history so for example a an unidentified flying object or UFO was

(20:21) a silver plate or a flaming shield of the heavens so when you take a look at the Devil's Tower when they're describing it as a huge tree is that is that somehow connected to the archetype of the world tree that's seen in Nordic and Scandinavian mythology because the world tree is also part of many parts shall we say of American Indian folklore um so that's in itself something that we need to consider and maybe it represented something else so you know there's lots of unanswered questions there and the more you think

(20:56) about American Indian folklore the more you study these stories and try and decipher the symbolism in these stories you get to some very interesting alternative views on ancient history especially when it comes to the Atlantean continent and the islands of Atlantis the Lemurian continent and the Great White Brotherhood from the Pleiades star cluster and so forth so there's another interaction that happened between the Native Americans and the spacecraft and that was in 1945 and this was before the Roswell incident

(21:26) so we're always told that the Roswell incident happened 1947 and you know that was the big kind of first UFO crash but there's been a lot of UFOs recorded in the past especially the Native Americans discuss a little bit about that Stephen and how were these beings interacting with the Native Americans were they were they taking the Native Americans knowledge or were they just giving the knowledge to the American Indians what what was going on there I think the relationship the American Indian tribes had with the

(21:54) palladian Aryans and these Zita reticulum type A grades and Zeta reticulum type B Grays was radically different than the relationship that unfortunately developed after the signing of the Creator treaty on the 20th of February 1954 at murakami Airfield which became Edwards Air Force Base in Kern County Southern California um it's almost as if there was a complete change in the relationship we know from many individuals who've done research that the various Galactic federations or Galactic councils actually have a very beneficial

(22:30) relationship with the grays for example they're not actually beings that should be classed as malevolent there's been a huge amount of misunderstanding and um Terry said paranoia concerning alien abduction phenomena when it comes to the the Grays in fact the Grays should be viewed as part of the Spiritual Development for many human beings on planet Earth but what they do seems very Sinister and very frightening because of the way it's done yeah but we have to also remember that as I've said many times before up

(23:03) until a rain I think the 30th of April 2000 like there was huge amounts of ongoing alien abduction by uh the the the rygelian gray is also known as the Orion Grays or tall Grays and the short Grays or Zeta reticulum type A Grays and Zeta reticulum type B Grays which really rapidly diminished since then to almost being non-existent so we know there's been a huge spiritual change on this planet and that's obviously very positive and so I think things are going back to the way they were when the American Indians had uh shall we say an

(23:36) Interstellar relationship with these various ultra-terrestrials and extraterrestrials from Beyond space-time and beyond our solar system another story which is fascinating as well is the 12 year old Dakota Indian mayor PR grandfather where yes they actually encountered it and that was in 1945 as well right yeah yeah yes that's correct so yeah that that was a crash UFO and then they actually or was it crashed or was it actually landed and they actually started interacting with these beings over a period of time so they said that

(24:14) these beings have been visiting this planet for over 15 000 years so I mean you know tell me more about that story Apparently after they reported this they filled the whole area didn't they with a lake so actually where this UFO was supposedly landed or may appear wambly found this UFO they actually filled that filled it in with water is that correct yeah so that's that's basically it was a form of concealment of what went on so we we know that there's like another X-File story so these little stories guys that

(24:48) we see on X-Files understand that these do happen there is UFO incidences that happen around the world that need to be disclosed and covered up and this happens I don't reg just do you think it happens regularly Steve yes more regularly Than People realize and you've got to remember that when World War II ended on the 8th of May 1945 this event with mapier wambly and his grandfather on the Yankton Indian reservation in the United States I think so yeah so let's go with that story just explain a little

(25:19) bit about that story because I keep interrupting you sorry okay so we've got to remember that when World War II ended on the 8th of May 1945 was only a few months later on the evening of the 13th of October 1945 that Napier wambly and his grandfather who are resting at the Yankton Indian reservation in South Dakota in the United States suddenly heard these rather loud noises outside so it appears as though the UFO remember the exact details had a malfunction he didn't actually crash in the sense of say that the Roswell incident which

(25:54) occurred on the 4th of July 1947 in Southern New Mexico right we know that these uh extraterrestrials had to carry out maintenance of some nature so yeah yes the actual area where the actual UFO landed was then infilled with what appears to be an artificial Lake on the Yankton Indian Reservation by Security Police from the U.

(26:18) S Air Force It is believed they were stationed at Ellsworth Air Force Base at the time so yeah there was obviously a cover-up of what went on now those extraterrestrials on board that spacecraft they weren't from what the description that was given they certainly weren't the great white Brotherhood all these pleiadian airings and they certainly weren't Grays who were visiting planet Earth so they seem very benevolent and uh they had a conversation with these extraterrestrials and there are huge numbers of extraterrestrials believe it

(26:50) or not that are been evident but the vast majority don't particularly want to get involved with communicating with human beings but we have to remember up here Wembley and his grandfather both actually went inside the crashed UFO where or where it had landed where it malfunctioned and partially crashed so it was almost on a sole personality level it was part of their experiential understanding to establish a relationship and communicate with those extraterrestrials and quite fascinating case really it is uh it amazed me and I

(27:23) I love the idea that that there's these beings visiting this planet on a constant basis we kind of sometimes feel very alone on this planet and and and we feel like we look up to the stars in this kind of hope and that there is going to be other beings or well intelligence that will actually interact with those of us that want to be aware on this planet and conscious because that's where we're heading we need to all be conscious guys everybody watching this this is to help expand you and to open your Consciousness up thank you

(27:55) Steve the cut the subject we've covered today this is only very brief we go into more detail in it in the book mysterious realities which is a whole chapter of course we'll be talking more about Native American culture because it's a fascinating subject and Stephen's knowledge this is just skimming the surface and what Stephen talks about with these subjects it is very deep and profound how amazing the Native Americans were and we really need to understand how incredible this knowledge is and where we are today is we have the

(28:27) evolved from this knowledge all right we have not integrated the knowledge we have learned from the past so please check out the link below if you'd like to buy our book and thank you so much Steve as always it is always a pleasure talking to you and we have lots of discussions like this and I'm excited as always to talk more about them so it's bye from me thank you Steve and it's bye for me thank you [Music]

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