2023.08.17 - Hyperborea and tartaria | sacred wisdom podcast (zachary-denman)

(00:00) foreign welcome everybody and thank you for making it along to another sacred wisdom podcast we are going to discuss tartaria and hyperborea today and the connections between the two so I am here again with the amazing Stephen Denman and he's going to discuss the history of hyperborea tartaria a lot of the culture or the civilization of tartarius seem to have a lot of influence from this land of hyperborea now first of all just talk a little bit about hyperborea and where it was the land of hyperborea well the the

(00:44) landmass of hyperborea as with the civilization of hyperborea centered on a number of different Geographic locations in the northern hemisphere so we've got to remember the largest land mass expanse of hyperborea was Northern Russia and this centered mainly in in areas such as the cola peninsula in the mamanks oblast of Northwestern Russia or and they're obviously across across uh what is known as the polar euros and the northern Euros which are obviously part of the year or mountains in North Central Russia and then across to the

(01:21) immense Peninsula and the Russian Far East which covers obviously parts of Northern Siberia um in in that area of Northeastern Russia but there were other Geographic locations such as Iceland and Greenland and spitzbergen and also parts of the Canadian Arctic as well as the Arctic north polar region and obviously but that obviously includes the Arctic continent and the various islands that exist in places like the Kara Sea and the lat Ted scene and so forth off the coastline of Northern Russia so it was a vast

(02:01) um expanse both as a multi-faceted land mass and also as a civilization and they were using in hyperborea uh crystalline occult technology were in the form of pyramidal structures to transmit to Lyric electrical energy as a power source across these vast expanses so what happened to hyperborea and obviously it's taught spoken about in Greek mythology and various other historical records but what is it seems to be always classed as a mythological concept that it was just some sort of fantasy land but what actually happened in the sense of the

(02:45) destruction or how that civilization was destroyed or what do you think happened I would say it was Major um atmospheric changes at the time connected to the solar cycles of our yellow dwarf star the sun and obviously also the the cosmic radiation and the interstellar medium of the solar system and these various um astrophysical factors how they interplayed with the the atmospheric conditions in shall we say in the northern hemisphere of planet Earth at the time towards the last you know few decades or few years of the

(03:21) civilization of hyperborea as it had thrived and developed over many many thousands of years in those Geographic locations that I've just mentioned and obviously all of that was disrupted um there would have been massive amounts of inundation with the melting of ice and glacial sheeting and the reforming of the glacier sheeting in new areas maybe perhaps where there was more arable farmland and various kinds of agricultural traps that we use for the growing of fruits vegetables and cereal crops by the hyperboreans but we know

(03:59) from Greek mythology that the climate there was described by many of the Greek philosophers the chroniclers and historians of Classical Greece as being idyllic as having almost a beautiful sort of balmy summery weather all year round and vast golden Orchards um full of apples and pears and plums and cherries so it appears that the the Arctic north polar region Northern Russia and perhaps even parts of Iceland Greenland spitzbergen um were really very fertile areas and then all of that was disrupted with these atmospheric changes massive rain

(04:44) storms perhaps seaquake and earthquake and therefore tectonic activity in the Northern Hemisphere and the populations of these Nordic hyperboreans or you can perhaps call them hyperborean Aryans then had to migrate in a Southward a direction away from the Arctic north polar region into other parts of the vast land mass which is the Asian continent and therefore refounded new colonies and societies and communities there and obviously historically and politically they morphed over time and you know shall we say the civilization

(05:22) and the land mass of hyperborea became nothing but just another story from Greek mythology it was around 25 800 BC hyperborea supposedly existed what first of all how did anybody come to that day I think you again look at the the political movement called Russian hyperborianism in the Russian Federation you look at many of the blogs and the forums there where they obviously are writing in Cyrillic Russians there isn't direct English language translations on that data 25 800 BC for the um shall we say the demise of the

(05:59) civilization of hyperborea in the northern hemisphere especially in Northern Russia and cross parts of Iceland and Greenland but it's known from looking at the Paleolithic Age which is you know the Paleolithic Age is a vast expanse chronologically at time uh for archaeologists and also anthropologists who are using those time scales to look at and we know that a lot of Russian archeology has uncovered um very interesting artifacts where they've used c14 radiocarbon dating that go back to a time of rain 30 000 BC

(06:36) ranging through to 25 000 BC again in places like the cola peninsula of them amongst a blast in Northwestern Russia and also in parts of the Polar Euro mountains and also in the northern Euro mountains in North Central Russia where there has been remnants of pyramidal structures found various strange types of pet petroglyphic writing and various artifacts and Architectural Remains What appeared to be temples you know many of which contain the correct amounts of carbon because of the local materials that are being used and so forth

(07:18) um and so they may have managed to do analysis on those and also I believe they've used thermoluminescence as a form of timeline analysis as well so very interesting that that kind of scientific knowledge is not sort of more widely known about in shall we say Western science I don't see anything going on at the Smithsonian institution in Washington DC concerning what these Russian archaeologists have very rarely anything goes on in there yeah and obviously what's happening is these this timeline 25 800 BC and there's actually

(07:56) other timelines they've given going back Beyond even 30 000 BC I think even going back to 32 000 BC thirty four thousand BC but a lot of the western media when they pick up on these scientific based stories it's classed as quackery it's classed as scientific misinterpretation you know that they don't know what they're doing in the Russian Federation again it's all completely dismissed out of hand and so it's therefore not given any real scientific regard it's not seen as something to be taken seriously so I

(08:30) think that pretty much summarizes that as a situation do you think the timelines are correct in the sense do you think they're misplaced do you think it could be closer than 25 000 years ago that or 27 000 years ago that the hyperboya existed um I think the remnants of it continued obviously Way Beyond obviously 25 you know 800 BC or twenty seven thousand eight hundred years ago I think you'll find that the actual uh there were many much more micro scale level societies and communities of these Nordic

(09:04) hyperboreans or hyperborean areas that refunded and established new farming and and perhaps agricultural based civilizations across other areas say in the Russian far east of Siberia and also would have actually gone down into even areas around the Himalayan Mountains and parts of Central Asia where Persia or Iran is today and obviously into Northern India and would have gone across into parts of I would say Eastern Europe into the Danube Valley would have gone over into countries that we know today as Poland and Hungary and perhaps

(09:41) Bulgaria and even they would have even founded sort of smaller civilization perhaps in the Alpine mountains around where the Czech Republic is perhaps in Germany as well do you think they would have actually formed the sybian Empire the hyperboreans I think these the Nordic hyperborians or perhaps they can be called hyperboreen areas they did um actually sort of morphed culturally and historically into the development of what became known as the scythian Empire and we have to remember the scythian Empire scythia major insidia minor were

(10:17) based around what the what is known as the Russian steps you know or the Asiatic steps which is predominantly in the landmass today known as the Russian Federation but it also obviously overlaps into parts of Central Asia and uh northwards of where Persia or Iran is today and so we know that the scythians were an inherit of civilization of much older practices they were experts in in the use of goldsmithing Silversmith they were expert metallurgists they had expertise in in Cavalry horsemanship they were classed as fearsome and Noble

(10:57) warriors on the Russian steps and it's interesting to note that there was the racial characteristic of the bright red hair the pale complexions the the red beards and also they would cover their bodies in very ornate tattoos they would Adorn themselves both the male and female scythians in very eloquent looking and uh very Exquisite gold jewelry and would interweave much of the gold jewelry into their armors they had you know highly glistening polished Shields and swords they were expert archers uh hunter-gatherers so they were

(11:34) a devolved civilization the higher uh kinds of occult technology that the hyperboreans had you know in the Arctic north polar region going back 25 800 BC a lot of that had been lost so only a certain fraction of um the expertise and the knowledge and the know-how therefore from the hyperboreans had been inherited you know what really had been inherited was the genetics the lineage of their ancestors these Nordic hyperboreans and and therefore the scythians really in many ways were the prime movers and and carriers of those

(12:15) traditions and and Customs from hyperborea so do you think hyperborea exists still today or do you think it's being destroyed the North in the northern part of Russia yeah the remnants still exist in vast remote areas all across Northern Russia yeah as I've mentioned the Kohler Peninsula and them amongst um a blast in Northwestern Russia is just one example we have to remember the Euro mountains in North Central Russia is such a vast area and we know in Greek mythology that the polyurals and the northern Euros as well as the rest of

(12:50) the euromancers were classed as the rafaian mountains of in Greek mythology and this is the the vast um reaches where the Griffins these legendary hybrid looking quadrupedal creatures guarding the golden Treasures of the Luminous tunnels and luminous Caverns that literally interlace through thousands of square kilometers underneath the polar euros and the northern Euros in north central Russia which then lends one to believe that perhaps in those areas the hyperboreans had vast caches of these legendary golden Treasures not just

(13:29) coinage but you know ornaments and various types of golden antiques Treasures the lights of wits perhaps most human beings on planet Earth have never seen so there's so just out of Interest was it a monetary system were they using that gold and silver as a monetary system or were they using their Metals as another way as conductors was there a former barter or trade in hyperborea I think they had some kind of rudimentary system we've got to remember that I believe they were a much more advanced civilization surrounded on

(14:04) Earth by much shall we say more primitive based uh cultures or shall we say societies and communities and I think I don't believe that coins had what they were used for which was a form of transaction and currency were originally used to that I believe they were aspects of some type of occult technology the shape of them could have been well they could have been components that fitted into mechanisms that were used they were circling like discs if you like so their original purpose like so much with many

(14:37) civilization the original purpose of what Pacific objects devices they're almost like little crystals they could be like crystals or in a way obviously formed by a human but created man-made well gold coins or gold discs if you like I mean they could have slotted into some kind of piece of Machinery to create some type of resonance again this is just pure speculation but in terms if you if you think about the idea of a cult technology we think of the fact that all these Remnant pyramids have been found that you know there has been

(15:15) caches of coins found they don't have the heads of monarchs on or any dates inscribed on them but these the a lot of these these artifacts go back to such vast periods in prehistoric history that we have to really understand there must be a rethink as to what was going on you know in the latter part of the upper Paleolithic we have to understand that we've been given really quite ridiculous theories by Western science and what was going on not just in the Paleolithic Age but also the Mesolithic and the

(15:50) Neolithic we we've been led to believe that what is going on is that human is applauding along for thousands and thousands of years of primitive you know and they were covered in you know animal Furs hiding in caves and waving their Spears and then Along Comes the mammoths and outcomes you know homo neander lethances roaring in the midday sun and off they Trot you know I believe there's some truth in that yes but again I think that you know if you take a look at a lot of the cave paintings going back you

(16:24) know 25 000 30 000 35 000 BC and more there's many cave paintings in on this planet such as in parts of um France for example where you have what appeared to be upright Noble looking bipedal men and women who are dressed in very contemporary looking clothing and these have been carbon dated they you know thermoluminescent analyzed to be correct in their chronological timelines so again that that alone is another small example of this historical conflict this contradiction with the with what we've been told is real what is what we've

(17:03) been told we have to accept and we should not question and when you get you know numerous Expeditions and Excursions have been done by Russian archaeologists Russian historians people of High standing you know in the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow in Russia going up into the cola peninsula in them amongst a blast of Northwestern Russia and organizing excursions that last you know for two weeks three four weeks at a time up into the Euro mountains and uncovering very very anomalous and very strange um you know artifacts archaeological

(17:41) lanes that then you know bring to like the the question is the official version of History something that we should just carry on accepting or it does there's you know a greater level of scientific analysis need to be done and yes it needs to be done but again we have this this this incredible amount of resistance going on in Western science because they've invested a vast amount of time money and energy and resources you know in publishing for the last in you know 80 90 even 100 plus years the same repeating information I think the

(18:16) interesting as you're saying all that what Springs to mind is 2001 and Cube at the cute the scene where Kubrick where the bone actually flies up and then turns cuts to a spaceship but also Kubrick says a lot in his movies so it's very interesting about Evolution how he discusses it and talks about it but I'm very the the Greek mythology side and hyperborea are what I'm really interested in is the connection Toria Boris Olympus and the Greek deity so there's all this connection as well that's the very blurred in the

(18:49) mainstream Greek of Greek history they don't sort of mention too much about hyperborea but the moment I've kind of stepped in with you and we're discussing it you've opened up all these worms from all this research that you've looked at and so discuss about the connection of Boris Olympus to hyperborea and one of the 12 Olympians known as Apollo limbos actually resided that his actual Homestead or residency was in the landmass of hyperborea he didn't really frequent um his existence in Mount Olympus in you

(19:22) know in the the land masses of uh Classical Greece obviously including the Greek Islands in the Mediterranean Basin and so he was obviously known archetypally as the solidarity so he had a golden Chariot that was drawn by these huge um swans that would take him across the cosmic Heavens obviously these are archetypal symbols perhaps those swans were some type of spacecraft so that touches on kind of the the work and research of Eric Von daniken and people like Peter colocino and other researchers and also I'd say people like

(20:02) brinsley lepur trench he was actually fantastic researcher and author into the connections between Greek mythology Roman mythology and the UFO phenomena so we know that the connection is Apollo a limbos who resided in the rather balmy summary climate of hyperboree in the Arctic north polar region you know somewhere around the rafaian mountains which encompasses obviously the polar euros and the northern Euros of North Central Russia and also going out into the piracy and the lapthead Sea um and then you're obviously going from

(20:36) there out into the Arctic Ocean and then up into the Arctic continent it's interesting to note we have the Aurora Borealis which is the these wonderful um electromagnetic waves of light what do you think that is what do you think the northern lights are I believe that we do have two entrances we have a North Polar entrance in the Arctic continent and a South polar entrance in the Antarctic constant that lead into what I believe is a hollow Earth I believe in terms of the laws of physics and what we understand is Gravity the the

(21:11) electromagnetic forces or impulses it's very different inside the hollow Earth than you know because of the changes to the laws of physics I believe that there is a great internal Sun or a great in in a sun that has some kind of electromagnetic and plasmic effect that creates these atmospheric um shall we say reverberations that then manifest as the Aurora Borealis and the Aurora astralis on planet Earth and do you think that's connected to hyperborea that that they were aware of the inner earth hyperborea

(21:49) are they aware of this whole civilization around Earth well we have to remember that again if you go back even before Greek mythology if you look at the actual folklore of the Samuel the latlanders um you know living these are the indigenous um Asiatic tribes that live in parts of Northern Russia they live up in the cola peninsula of them amongst the blast in North uh Western Russia they've known to have many communities that exist in parts of the Euro mountains in North Central Russia and across the yakus

(22:19) peninsula and Siberia in the Russian Far East so we know that they've got in shall we say Sami folks Laura Lapland a folklore they have a lot of um Legends and stories of the hollow Earth and the idea of these uh light beings or Advanced shall we say the remote deities of the Wilderness that had existed in the these vast uh the far away north of the Arctic polar region so perhaps for the Samuel the laplanders that live in these areas of Northern Russia and also in parts of Northeastern Finland there is a collective racial and cultural

(23:02) memory of uh the Nordic hyperboreans having once a vast civilization there so I would definitely say um that there is a lot of evidence there to connect that and they have it's also interesting to note that the Sami or the laplanders of Northern Russia also say I'm in their stories that the hyperboreans were star-based in that they worshiped the constellations so they were seen as a stellar civilization so although you have that shall we say the solidarity of Apollo a limbos one of the 12 Olympians of Classical Greece and

(23:43) mainta limpos actually living in hyperborea he represented literally the coming of the the solar light the coming of the sunlight in that summary barmy you know climate in in that area of Northern Russia but they were predominantly worshipers of Stellar masses or and and therefore of Starlight a stellar-based civilization what is the connection with like the cyclopsies and the one-eyed beings to hyperboreal because a lot of people see these as like hybrid type genetically hybrid type beings but they're talk about the Cyclops and

(24:23) one-eye beings because that that's very interesting obviously Greek mythology as well yeah exactly so in Greek mythology that you have the the stories of the cyclopian Giants these cyclopian tribes that existed in the polo euros and the northern Euros or known as the rafaian mountains of North Central Russia and these were beings that were 12 to 14 feet in height both the Giants and the hyperborean Giants there was a mixture so there was there were both racially similar described again with bright red hair bright beards Pearl

(25:00) complexions some of them covered in uh bodily tattoos and they were very um war-like very ferocious they were quite Fearless in many ways but they were quite Advanced now when we think of the cyclopsies they are almost really in many ways and to deluvian Giants they were really genetically perhaps and characteristically even older in terms of being Giants on planet Earth than Giants that we would say that look like perhaps enormous looking Homo sapiens you know a much similar looking to humans just on a much larger scale so

(25:37) yeah and I think they were genetically related we also have to remember that when you take a look at the civilization of Atlantis both the Atlantean constant and the Atlantean Islands you had to remember there's a lot of stories concerning genetic hybridization we know that the atlanteans these again these were Nordic atlanteans there must have been perhaps some racial and genetic connection between these Nordic atlanteans and the hyperboreans but they were distinct and separate civilized and the hyperboreans I believe were far

(26:15) older I think they were the parent civilization on this Earth and even if they weren't they literally would have appeared simultaneously and in parallel to what appears to be the civilization of lemuria which once existed in the Pacific Ocean today obviously the largest remaining land mass as it's known as Sanskrit which is mahalanka meaning great island is the is the landmass of Australia today which fought part of the Lemurian continent so we know again that there was genetic hybridization that took place it's

(26:48) believed that the centaurs the minotaurs and harpies and many other and satis and many other um cross breeds were created and perhaps it's the case the cyclopsies they were a genetic offshoot of shall we say the Giants that look like just like a normal enormous looking humans and they were hybridized in some way and again that speculation but it's interesting you know to to consider that they were perhaps that way maybe they were a bit unhinged psychologically and mentally because you've got to remember the the

(27:22) Cyclops is in Greek mythology have always been portrayed crazy frenzy very aggressive when it comes to looking at like English folklore yeah you've got Jack and the Beanstalk you've got all the accounts of these rather nasty Giants that don't like humans but then you've got huge amounts of stories from World folklore and even from um some of the accounts of the Native American tribes in the North American continent where some of the white Giants were friendly we have to remember as I said that these Giants had what appeared to

(27:57) be shining cities in the mountains in the Appalachian mountains the Rocky Mountains up in the Cascade Range in the North American continent and they were seen as these highly sophisticated um white Giants that wanted to be remain private away from the Native Americans but then there was also other Giants that seemed to want a war and there was constant battling and conflicts going on with various Native American tribes so it's a very mixed um Outlook and I do believe that there was a genetic connection between the um

(28:34) the cyclopsis of hyperborea and the white Giants that we even know about on the North American continent we also note that another connection is not just the fact that the white Giants had red hair and red beards but the scythians also had red hair and red beard and many of the accounts from many of the indigenous tribal communities in Central Asia and Eastern Asia that encountered these scythians on the Russian steps the Asiatic steps described some of these scythian Aryans as being maybe nine feet to 11 feet in height so it's almost as

(29:13) if they were carriers of some of the genetics of these hyperborean Giants and again they had the red hair and the red beards so there's a lot of correlations genetically and racially between hyperborea the Cyclops is the Giants that the dislike enormous 12 to 14 feet tall Homo sapiens and the scythian Aryans so the sybians as well they supposedly went around Europe up Gibraltar and up to the the Scottish Highlands so this is where an Aleister Murray Moffitt actually States from his research that there is a connection

(29:51) genetically to the uh great Sylvia is fascinating uh it is correct he he did indeed and you know the fact that that connection's been made then you take a look for example at the Legends of Phineas farceed who was this scythian Aryan King from Irish mythology both in the I think in the phoenian cycle and the Ulster cycle of Irish mythology who founded the Irish Nation the Irish pedigrees that's the Irish Celtic tribes came from the genetics and the lineage of Phineas farsiad and his family so that's very interesting because he was a

(30:30) scythian then you've got the connection to Scotland well the actual Scott there's actually etymological connections between the words Scotland and therefore Scottish and the word scythia if you go back far enough but then we have to remember also that the Scottish genetically were originally an Irish Celtic tribe so dough we have a direct connection there all the way through so interesting but in hyperborea they seem to be much more spiritually connected that was what it would seem and again we have this annihilation of

(31:03) the spirit and obviously they went from CVR and then sybians then became the tartarians is that that's correct yeah yeah that's what I can see yeah tell us more about that the connection so how it bridged into tarte area I I think you'll find that although you know when we did uh an episode of hidden history called Northern Paradise we gave the timelines there so you know obviously viewers can check that out so um when we take a look back we can see very clearly there was a transition historically from the civilization of

(31:37) the scythians into the emergence of what became great to Taria so we know that there were again major climatic changes that took place and what is interesting to know it seems that a lot of of the time there's a collapse that occurs and a re-emergence of a new civilization it's based on major atmospheric and weather-based changes taking place that affect the Farmland the fertility of the land mass itself and I think that's fundamentally what I see happen we know that uh with the collapse of the civilization of the scythian Aryans they

(32:14) were vast we're talking about millions of square acres of Russian which is obviously comprised of Evergreen coniferous trees such as the spruces larches and pine trees and many others including Cedars and there were massive fires within the Russian tiger and so we can imagine vast amounts of the ecosystems the Food Supplies that the scythian Aryans relied upon as obviously food sources for their own societies and communities were also wiped out so that splintered down they would have had to literally have migrated in a a Westward

(32:51) Movement again they moved into parts of the caucasius region they moved obviously across to where the around the black seal Eugene see as it was known at the time in Greek mythology and Greek history they would have moved further away and around the Caspian Sea into Eastern Europe and we know that the Saxons for example really were actually racially and genetically the scythians of the Saxons of Northern Germany who became the angle Saxons or you know or the English in in out in in the United Kingdom of Great Britain themselves were

(33:30) a a a dispersed colony of scythians that resettled in another landmass so they could obviously for farming purposes because what had happened was the scythians were nomadic hunter-gatherers so when they were obviously going into the Russian tiger looking for their food sources you know for sustenance to feed their society cities and communities their families that was white Saints so a lot of it had to change they had to create a much more secure form of sustenance and I do believe this connects into the rudimentary basics of

(34:04) what became um shall we say more contemporary farming in the last few thousand years so I've noticed that a lot of imagery I've looked at of Northern Russia there tends to be a a huge especially in the northern part almost like where there was explosions of some sort there seems to be like holes in the landscape lots of lakes this is just speculation there's no facts on this but it's just from what I've seen it does look like there seems to be that land mass was under attack but what do you think on

(34:36) that but what I I I'd say the I'd say that's inconclusive I would say yes there's a lot of anomalies and obviously geologists from Western science will come out and say they're just natural uh you know formations over millions of years you know the usual rhetoric but what I know is is actually it's the Gobi desert region where there was a vast prehistoric War but obviously the Gobi desert obviously encompasses large areas of Southern Mongolia and also North uh Western uh China and overlaps into the

(35:12) between those two countries in eastern Asia and there wasn't the Mongolian desert was actually an inland sea it had huge uh canals there were pyramids built there cities and so now Cara Cota I think it's called Uh yeah the huge unbelievable structure that was uncovered there yeah and there's many other cities buried under the vast amounts of sand dunes in the Gobi desert so that wouldn't have destroyed the civilization of hyperporeia because it was much more much located in the far away north of

(35:48) Northern Russia we're talking obviously thousands of kilometers away in in terms of the jet stream perhaps but it may have been the case that there may have been some influence but it's never been shown it's more likely the case it's to do a climactic changes and and the movements of these Nordic hyperboreans across thousands of square kilometers to try and find safer and more secure areas to develop settlements obviously and and and re rebirth their civilization but coming back to the point of the free energy systems we know

(36:24) that these pyramids had what appeared to be some kind of quartz cap Stones uh the remnants of shall we say symmetrical courts has been found shall we say a hyperborean pyramids or Russian pyramids are predominantly being built from what appeared to be Granite so very very strong and then they're covered in lichens and mosses and these are Wilderness areas in Northern Russia that are very overgrown with lots of trees and shrubs and they're even very difficult to spot by satellite or helicopter so it is taken teams of

(37:00) Russian archaeologists a lot of effort over many years to go tracking into those areas orienteering using different types of Ordinance survey to locate these areas to do photographic analysis chemical analysis much of this is not shared with Western Sciences it seems to be a complete shutdown on accepting the validity of their scientific findings it's as classed as oh it's this natural geological formations there's nothing to see here just move along people same story as usual so what is going on is

(37:35) there's a deliberate cover-up the fact is they did have free energy systems they were able to light with great tataria they would be using these pyramids as healing temples as enormous teluric electricity capacitors for the storing trash transmission of the the energies that were coming from the atmosphere above Northern Russia and obviously the Arts at north polar region so they had all that so obviously the tatarian tablets that have been found by archaeologists also have what appears to be a proto-phoenician

(38:12) script but again this completely conflicts and creates a massive contradiction with Western science because archaeologists say the Phoenicians were from the Middle East you know from Canaan which was north of what it was known as Judea at the time wasn't called Israel you know in the Levant of Western Asia they had colonies in parts of southern Europe and obviously we've heard about the tin mines in Cornwall in South West England the Phoenicians were apparently there mining for that metal and you know but

(38:45) we know that the Phoenicians were the the pretty much the the greatest um Navigators of all the seas and the oceans of planet Earth have ever been known world history they found it they probably had a few Maps as well oh yeah and they were experts they were expert at using the stars the constellations and the stars to navigate so they were transatlantic they were certainly trans-pacific Navigators we know they found archaeological remains of Phoenician settlements and and proto-foenician stripped in parts of

(39:18) Queensland in Western uh Australia we know that they found proto-foenician script in parts of the Amazon uh jungle in Western Brazil so these are just small examples now it's interesting to note that if you go back and look at um ancient historical accounts it's known that many of the Phoenicians were described as having bright red beards and red hair and very Ruddy complexions so we had that connection the same as the bright red hair and the red beards of the scythian Aryans the white Giants many of these cyclopian Giants or the

(39:59) and therefore these hyperborean cyclopses that lived in the Euro mountains of North Central Russia also look at all the accounts given by so many of the Native American tribes in the United States of America and in Canada when they encountered these Giants they referred them as the white Giants and were called the white Giants you know in their own languages so there has to be some kind of genetic and racial significance to those characteristics so it's really it's just basically about data aggregation here

(40:35) looking at these facts looking at all World folklore looking at the the um the Sami folklore of the laplanders of Northeastern Finland and of North Western Russia North Central Russia and North Eastern Russia it's about you know making that effort to study it's about really understanding what why is there such a huge passion for Russian hyperborianism amongst the Russian people today you know and the connections there also with the massive re-emergence of the Russian Orthodox church and and therefore Russian

(41:09) Christianity because we had to remember that obviously when great titario existed those chapels churches of Cathedral many of them were repurposed in Russia so there's a connection there because obviously Christ Consciousness was a prime directive if you like of the the Nordic hyperborians it was also a prime directive of the tatarians the the or the Nordic tatarians or the Slavic tatarians it was the same thing again it was seen so important for the Integrity of each Soul personality for their Spiritual Development to really make

(41:44) that effort to keep focused and align collectively within the Christ consciousness and that that would have automatically made people think positively about each other and actually want positive communities you see but Steve it's absolutely incredible information and just so people know where can people find this information out I know you've mentioned it about the blogs and stuff like this online but give people some pointers where people can find out more about hyperboia and do their own research sure yeah so if you

(42:15) if people want to look into the the the these the Sami folklore and that's spelled s-a-m-i Sami uh also known as the laplanders and again you had to kind of make a bit of effort because a lot of their information hasn't been translated there's not a crazy way yeah as usual and so you've got again it takes quite a bit of study and effort to really look into that and ironically if you were to you know be a Russian uh citizen in the Russian Federation and you know and you had connections to people in the Russian

(42:49) Academy of Sciences in Moscow you'd find that a lot of the Russian archaeologists and azer colleges there obviously they are very well versed in this knowledge and obviously have made very detailed studies for well over 100 years into the Sami folklore of the laplanders and also actually many of the turkic tribes they're another look at turkic folklore um you know so you're looking into the uh the various types of turkic folklore that exist in places like Kazakhstan Uzbekistan Tajikistan Kyrgyzstan and

(43:22) many other areas of what's now known as the former Soviet Union that obviously countries in their own right but they have a lot of very interesting accounts and stories also you take a look at the accounts from Slavic folklore and Slavic mythology obviously connecting that mainly to a lot of the Russians so they have accounts connecting the idea of the hollow Earth to some beautiful magical Northern Paradise or polar Paradise you know that once existed and we know that there's many um Vedic Scholars that specialized in on

(44:01) trying to create some kind of correlation and connection between um the Aryans of Vita India and their Origins where they may have migrated from and a lot of the time the actual information seems to direct them back up into Northern Russia well Stephen that that's incredible as always thank you my brother it's absolutely brilliant and as Stephen said it's about educating yourself and learning and we have all these tools at our fingertips now we can find this information out it's not like we have to go down to a library now and

(44:38) get a book out we've got this all all this information in front of us at home so maybe switch your television off if you have one and maybe go on and do research find information out facts history history is amazing and this world is amazing as well but you can also purchase saw book mysterious realities which is now available on Amazon and paperback and ebook you can also purchase direct from my website which is the links below and it's thank you so much Stephen thank you for a brilliant another brilliant episode in

(45:10) hyperboree and tartaria there's lots more of these to come but for now it's a buy from me and it's goodbye for me foreign [Music] [Music]

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